Alright ladies and gents. This is our FHE picture scavenger hunt. So here is the run down of pictures. This first one up here was "find a sign and do what it says", we we are gathering. The next one is we had to take a picture with a red head, so the wendy's girl would do. :D (Jaime is upon my shoulders. lol) then we had to take a picture of something we would drool over - and that was mike and his truck. but he is shunning us because of his engagment to another woman (no joke haha). AHAHAHA! the one with caitie basically flashing an unsuspecting citizen and student of byu idaho is our "awkward moment" picture. (she had on a shirt, dont worry.) Next we have "the perfect date" which is a bunch of us girls and ben going to jensens jewlers. typical byu perfect date. jk - but seriously. the two after that are our "things a stalker would do" and ben is in the trash can starring longingly at jaime. but really, who wouldnt. and last but certainly not least, is ben performing a scene from a disney movie. which disney movie you ask? High School Musical 3 - zac efrons emo angst song. he is torn between basketball and theater! what ever will he choose! and i think ben portrays those emotions beautifully.
This was the FHE of chubby bunny and the Freeze game. There are no pictures here of chubby bunny because I don't want to embarrass myself. lol But these pictures are of the freeze game - basically what you do is you act out a small scene of anything you want, and then someone yells freeze - then you have to stop in exactly the position you were in when they called that out, then the person who called freeze has to step in for one person and start a completely different scene from the position that they froze in. Its really fun, but I feel retarded sometimes cause I don't know what to act out sometimes. There are a few things here that I dont remember what the scene was at all, but there is one of me and Jaime staring at the ceiling - we are staring at "clouds".
I will put up more pictures later, but these are all I have right now. This is me and Jaime in our ninja turtle costumes. I was Michelangelo, but I dont have my mask on in these pictures, and Jaime was Leonardo. Rafael and Donatello are not in these ones, but they will be in the later ones.